“Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” – Oscar Wilde
"Dina Laura steals this scene as the hilarious Janis, perfectly taking over the Jersey suburban mom stereotype while remaining sensitive to the subject matter. Meyer, Laura, and Funk have impeccable comic timing, which is juxtaposed perfectly with Gorney's heaviness as she sits with her own experiences, allowing her past selves to comment on the action."
- Katherine Nedder, Theatre is Easy (Review of "From Silence", starring Karen Lynn Gorney at Theater for the New City)
As for life imitating art or vice versa, it’s hard to know at times where truth ends and imagination begins. Writing as well as performing my own material has taught me about finding balance in my life and my art. I’ve learned that truth and imagination can co-exist and are both essential to being a good artist, and more importantly, a good person.
My creative pursuits have run the gamut—from drawing and writing to singing and playing various musical instruments, including the French horn. I even played the clarinet in my high school marching band! I studied Meisner technique at the Matthew Corozine Studio in New York City, where I started a writers group (MCS Writers Collective) that created original works for live performance. I've also been privileged to be a part of the Extra Mile Workshop with Glenn Morshower (24, Friday Night Lights), who combines mindfulness work with on camera technique! As a coach, Tessa Faye is a goddess extraordinaire, who has guided me in keeping my creative passions in check.
With regards to my vitals, I am a Capricorn who currently lives in New Jersey. Once upon a time I majored in Accounting at the University of Delaware. In the more recent past, I had a way cooler job as a publicist for rock bands like Marwood and Spiraling, where I learned that VH1’s Behind The Music wasn’t as far fetched as I thought. These days, I spend my time with four-legged creatures walking dogs through my company, Liberty Walkers, which is pretty darn cool too.
I was raised by two feisty New Yorkers who were born in the South Bronx and ultimately taught there. Have I mentioned I was blessed with an overprotective, neurotic Jewish mother? It wasn’t always pretty, but didn’t Friedrich Nietzche say, “What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger?” When I was a kid, watching my dad inspire his students in the classroom left me with a desire to teach (and learn). My art has taken me on a journey to places I never expected and taught me about who I am and the kind of person I want to be. Through my writing, I hope I can inspire people the way my dad did.
I love you, mom and dad. You have made my world a better place!